Saturday 30 March 2019

Presentation Notes

Presentation Notes:

my journey 
from start to end 
What I was expecting to do this year??
  • develop my practice ( inclusion of dry brush and line techniques in drawings)
  • develop my humour (more consistent jokes for everyone)
  • experiment more with unfamiliar practices 
  • Get myself out there more ( contatcting people and attending more events such as print fairs and exhbitions)
  • Build up my confidence in my practice ( develop my humour and jokes to reach a wider range of people)
  • Become more explicit ( more naked ones)

Have I managed to do these getting a taste of being a proffesional ?
  • banner for gross exhibition
  • Talked and communicated more with people in the industry 
  • Collaborations such as animation and mass art and with friend jack to help boost my communication, confidence and team work skills
  • Print fairs have helped me build up my communication skills and sales with my work 
  • Sell myself better 
  • Experimented more with unfamiliar practices 
  • Ideas have been more regular and developed this year (I have managed to work out problems in less of an immediate manner giving myself time to analyse whether this is funny or effective.)
  • Drawing rude things more but without them feeling to crude by sticking with a naive style 

Good points of this year strongest elements
  • my humour has been more refined then ever before or at least I like to think so 
  • My work communicates more with the majority rather then myself 
  • I have got less into drawing and more into 3d and ideas such as cakes
  • Exhibitions and print fairs with gross studios and friends have helped me with communication and organisation of my work. ( Increased in organisation for print fairs and packaging) so my drawings look like professional items
  • Increased portfolio and places to show my portfolio such as website.
  • Enjoyed animation and video work more 

Bad points weakest points 
  • a lot of ideas but still not enough confidence to execute them 
  • Less love on drawing which is good in some ways but also slightly sad 
  • Not enough exposure for my work still need to build up my portfolio online post more on insta
  • Still need more organisation on sorting my own exhibitions out 

What I want to do in the future 
  • less likely to be a freelance illustrator and more a career that looks more into ideas
E.g. creative director or an agent sounds cool 
  • I want to build my freelance knowledge at first just to create a better portfolio of applied illustrations and ideas
  • Put on a exhibition 
  • Get more into baking maybe think of doing this as a big side thing as cakes is niche and fun 
  • Start looking for work experience in publishing agency or just a creative company to get my teeth into the real life
  • Develop my humour into other areas such as video work 
  • Look into my work applied into something such as advertising 
worries for the future 
  • becoming confident enough to talk to people other then face to face chat such as develop my emailing and reaching out 
  • not being able to sustain a job and a career in illustration 
  • being still into drawing where's the love gone?
  • still trying to find my individuality within the illustration world
  • being more organised to get a drive to go out and do more things  

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