Sunday 31 March 2019

Contacting Professional People

Talking to proffesionals is important but something I am usually good at in person as i find it hard and usually too formal to contact people over email. This is something i need to get over better as it's less likely i'll be talking to people in person in the future.
During Hanbury I talked to all the professionals i am most interested in such as

I got the opportunity to interview the advertising people which gave me the chance to also talk to them myself i was more interested in Matt at Ogevly as he was a creative director which is a job i would be interested in the future. When asking him about it he said it was a good job for someone that can come up with ideas and help direct anyone who wants to develop there ideas. I followed up with an email to him but yet to hear back from him.

I also Contacted  the agents after Hanbury as the role of being an agent really interested me after the talk. I talked to Sam after the talk and he told me all the benefits of being an agent however, i wasn't sure on the experience or how to get there so i contacted him after for any other advice i still haven't heard a reply.

It's Nice that
Following on from there talk i thought it would be good to send over my website just to show interest in me I would prefer to email them when i have a more complete project such as my cakes as this will give them more of a reason to pick me up and do an article about me. It was worth a try anyway

I also contacted others such as
- Nobrow press on publishing
Had a conversation with them at Hanbury and talked about publishing and also becoming a publisher as that interested me too. I have e-mailed since Hanbury but not heard anything back
- Mima art museum on exhibiting
I talked to the coordinator of mima in real life (when visiting the MIMA museum in middlesborough) I have always wanted to exhibit work in here being my hometown and he gave me advice on how to do this and who to get in touch with the potentially exhibit my work here.
- Plum pudding on my children's illustration (following a chat with her at hanbury) I asked her in real life and over email how to build a good children's illustration portfolio and what it takes to get into children's publishing

- Greg Burne from big active also following from a chat i had with him at hanbury
- Dusk studios on becoming a smaller company in advertising
but unfortunately none of them have got back to me

I need to work on emailing a lot better this is something i wish i learnt more during PP as I don't feel confident in contacting over email anywhere near as much as i do in real life.
In the future i would rather meet these professionals face to face as Hanbury taught me that i learn a lot more from a real life chat than emailing as i hate the formality of an email. Feel like my emails are so formal they are fit for the queen

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