Friday 12 May 2017

Poster Designs and Ideas

When going into this i really wanted to create something that was very Simon. I tried to think of elements of me that i could narrow down and emphasise in an image so I mainly wanted to carry across fun, happiness and humour as they are all elements that i try to portray in my briefs.

This was my starting idea and i know it's always bad to go with your first idea but i think over the course of the year i have really developed my paper cut out skills and it's something that i really enjoy doing it adds fun to any image.
I think the idea of me building an image is good however I really don't want to be in my poster at all.

I think this bookshelf of elements to do with me is a sweet idea however, i found this quite boring and didn't really feel like something that heavily portrays me.

I always just bang out ideas and never remember them so i think making an image on how my brain creates these ideas is interesting however, i think this needs further development for me to enjoy this idea as the rough isn't that interesting to me.

 Throughout this design process i found it really hard to not include things about me without me being in it. I guess i am the source of all my ideas but i really wanted to just make an image about Simon instead of an image with Simon in. I liked the idea of me making an image where everything is smiling within it and then include inspirational text next to them in a slightly ironic way to add potential humour to it.

I really liked this image of a deer to.

 I felt like i was struggling coming up with good imagery for this idea so as a break i did this image of loads of happy animals sitting stupidly on top of each other. I like this image but i think it's a weak concept for my work. It also feels like nothing new, this made me realise that perhaps i should move away from making images in ink as I wasn't satisfied with any of the results of this development.

 I decided to draw all the elements of my poster separately and then collage them together on photoshop. I think more planning was needed for this as when it came to the photoshop stage i really didn't feel like anything fit together.
After starting to make this poster i really felt like nothing was looking like I hoped it would maybe if i fully completed it it might of looked better. I did think my concept of happy images with inspirational text was a fun idea though but i think i wanted to execute it differently I liked the image of one of my original ideas that was done with paper cut outs. Therefore, i decided it would of been a better idea if i changed from ink and maybe made it less cluttered by taking a single image and making that into a single poster.
I had a strong image in my head of how i wanted these to look like i drew up a concept and decided to do small versions of them before i move on to doing A2 versions of my images.

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