Friday 23 March 2018

Study task 3

Breakdown Press

SWOT analysis

Publish comics from a variety of illustrators and styles promoting and representing talented illustrators.
promotional factors but this can be a difficult challenge for independent publishing houses due to high competition.
Breakdown press offer lots of opportunities to many illustrators through publishing there comic to holding events such as print festivals like the safari festival.
there are many other comic publishers within London therefore, plenty of competition.

PEST analyisis

Political: Keeping the content of the publishings politically correct.

Econimical: Being situated within London and the costs of running a publishing house there.

Social : Holding print festivals and getting outside illustrators involved within the publishing and the publishing fairs.

technological : Print costs and publishing on a large scale digitally.

Monday 5 March 2018

Study task1: self portrait

Comedic illustrations
From my questionnaire I gathered that over the past year i have developed my craft into a humorous and fun based style of work. With the strengths being the humour of the narrative of the work as well as the way it has been crafted. I want to keep going with my paper cuts and develop this further either through screen printing or through mix media. I think overall, my confidence within my work has improved which is important for my practice as humour needs to come across confidently to work well. However, I still feel like my confidence in communicating needs to improve in order to get my work seen outside of the university.

Humorous and unusual tv shows