Tuesday 15 May 2018

study task 10

What i learnt from presentation training ?

- bookend presentation leave people hanging at the start by asking them a question that you will later enlighten them on once they have endured your whole presentation.

-split your presentation into nice parts
start of the presentation with my goals from the past and for the present
-look into some of my achievements and developments of this year
-look . at the some of the sad times, the failures and the tears
- what did i learn from this ??
- talk about the future and how level 5 has prepared me for this

speaking clearly loudly and don't use any ummmm or ahhhhhs in my presentation
also talk with head and heart so the audience can connect with me on an emotional level.

My presentation structure

  • L4 -----> L5

 talking about improving the quality of my work and process as it still felt scrappy and refining paper craft

  • what i learnt this year
embraced my humour
print making 
consitency with work and style 
confidence in my process and craft

  • influences and inspiration this year
long walks and fresh air 
old vhs movies specifically horrors 
japenese illustrations, cartoons and colours 
mai 68 helped influence my screen printing 

  • plans for summer 
big personal project book or film
explore creativity outside of illustration
gain experience and places like museums or studios 
develop my professional online portfolio with the website and gram

  • Aims for the next year 
time management 
- quick drawing doesnt mean i shoulkd be lazy 
develop my 3D work ideas beyond the paper 
humour as a concept over it as a craft 

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Study Task 9

Here is my attempt of a creative CV from the info i have been told from the session. There still needs to be more experince and such but i went for a fun messy look to fit the style of my creative practice and work. I do think that this probably will be too casual as CVs go.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

study task 8


I think we worked well as a group on this project we made sure everyone got involved in different ways so certain members weren't carrying too much work throughout the project. I think this helped by good communication within the group. We did find it difficult to organise ourselves meeting times but once that was sorted we all communicated well and researched our project well as a team. I for example was in charge of the promotion and the branding of our business which i very much enjoyed researching and crafting. I made sure the logo for example included some of our members work to let the team involved as much as possible. Overall, i think it went well and i would happily work with everyone involved again.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Study Task 6

My haiku is:
Forgotten Spaces,
People Coming Together
Creating Smiles

Thursday 26 April 2018

Study Task 4

How could copyright affect me?

- through social media
companies taking my images off instagram and then using them for their own profitable gain.
- people stealing my ideas and potentially using it for there own work i have less control of the copyright of this however.
- stealing my jokes especially my visual ones and using it for their own work.
- selling work i will still own copyright to this image that i sell.
- sending work off for a live brief could affect the copyright of work depending on what the small print says.

Friday 23 March 2018

Study task 3

Breakdown Press

SWOT analysis

Publish comics from a variety of illustrators and styles promoting and representing talented illustrators.
promotional factors but this can be a difficult challenge for independent publishing houses due to high competition.
Breakdown press offer lots of opportunities to many illustrators through publishing there comic to holding events such as print festivals like the safari festival.
there are many other comic publishers within London therefore, plenty of competition.

PEST analyisis

Political: Keeping the content of the publishings politically correct.

Econimical: Being situated within London and the costs of running a publishing house there.

Social : Holding print festivals and getting outside illustrators involved within the publishing and the publishing fairs.

technological : Print costs and publishing on a large scale digitally.

Monday 5 March 2018

Study task1: self portrait

Comedic illustrations
From my questionnaire I gathered that over the past year i have developed my craft into a humorous and fun based style of work. With the strengths being the humour of the narrative of the work as well as the way it has been crafted. I want to keep going with my paper cuts and develop this further either through screen printing or through mix media. I think overall, my confidence within my work has improved which is important for my practice as humour needs to come across confidently to work well. However, I still feel like my confidence in communicating needs to improve in order to get my work seen outside of the university.

Humorous and unusual tv shows