Monday 6 March 2017

My trip to a gallery

At the weekend i visited Yorkshire Sculpture Park. 
I have been a few times before and i love it it's like a day in the park and a gallery all rolled into one!
If it was possible i wish all galleries where set in the Yorkshire dales because nothing goes sweeter with assessing art than that Yorkshire fresh air.

i started my trip in the main exhibit hall thing which had an exhibition from an artist called Tony Cragg. I'm not familiar with this guys work but he has a lovely craftsmanship to all his work which i really appreciated.
he was also sweet at making forms there where plenty of twists, heaps bends and joins within all his sculptures.
One thing i would give YSP credit for is they know how to curate. The layout was lovely so much space which is very important with sculpture i guess that's why a huge park is a great place to hold sculptures, but even indoors they still kept that spacious aesthetic. This allowed to walk around each sculpture and see it from all angles.   

look at all that space. 

I liked the colour of this sculpture they put this with over lovely coloured sculptures.
in the background you can see the artists sketches which i think filled some empty walls very well.
overall, the indoor gallery was a lovely experience as even with the big spacious rooms they still filled them with a heck load of sculptures however it never seemed cluttered, which personally is something that annoys me with certain galleries as there is too many things to look at i just feel like i can't concentrate on one thing very well. 

The outdoor stuff rarely changes but you never really get bored of them. it's like an arty adventure every time you go and i always feel like i see things that i have maybe missed before due to the massive size of it.

If there was anyway i could improve it is maybe fill some bits with a couple of sculptures as i was walking through some bits where there wasn't much to see also one big thing is make a clearer path!!!
most of the grass was heavily chewed up from all the people trekking from one sculpture to another. A nice gravel path around all the pieces would be lovely but i guess that takes away some of the freedom of a park. 

Overall, i rate this place highly. the curation is lovely and it's a great way to appreciate the size and craftsman ship of sculpture both indoors and outdoors.
strong 9/10.

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